3 Thoughts for the Newbie Gardener

Back in April, I convinced Stephen to start a garden with me and since then, we have been doing plenty of learning. And by we, I mostly mean me. Stephen has been graciously along for the ride while I experiment with the entirety of our small yard. What started as a couple of very small…

Budget Alternative Bridesmaid Dresses on Amazon

Whether you are opting to throw a fancy wedding, or a casual one, your bridesmaids are sure to thank you for keeping their costs to a reasonable amount.  Frankly, I think it’s wild that there are $400 bridesmaid dresses. Heck, even $100 can feel like a lot.  Before planning my wedding, I heard many stories…

How I Planned a Wedding for Less than 7k in 2022

As Stephen and I began planning our big day, I became more and more aware of the costs and the stress that weddings put on couples, families, parents, and even guests.  I was frustrated with the level of extravagance and the price that had become US standard for weddings.  According to “The Knot”, the average cost of a wedding in 2021 was $28,000.  And as I continued organizing what is often the most expensive party in anyone’s life, I started to wrestle with the question: is spending thousands of dollars on a party a good example of stewarding money well or not?  Don’t get me wrong, I think God fully desires our wedding days to be huge celebrations of and for Him – marriage is supposed to be a visual representation of the way the Christ loves His church, and we should give our best to celebrate that.  But I began to wonder, does giving our best mean giving our most expensive?

How to Graduate Early After Dropping out of College

It has been a long time since I last even opened my blog. The last post I made was over 4 years ago and, my goodness – how life has changed. Three short months after my last post, I dropped out of college and drove my Toyota RAV4 back across the country to Pennsylvania. Pepperdine…

Wandering New Waters

Wandering the Waters.  I started this blog as a means of documenting some of my adventures.  Not only for others, but for myself as well.  My blog title was chosen from one of my favorite songs, Oceans by Hillsong United.  “You called me out upon the waters, the great unknown, where feet may fail”  I…

Stepping Back to Move Forward

It has been a long weekend of mishaps, hurts, and tears – some things I don’t usually let other people see.  I like looking like I have it all together and being there for other people and their hurts, so I frequently find that there isn’t really room in there for my own problems.  Because…

Plans, Prosperity, and Peru

9 years, 8 schools, 3 states, 3 countries.  I look back on those nine years and the difficulty that came with them and I typically prefer not to remember a good chunk of it.  But I look back at it now as multiple people have recently asked me what I would change.  Would I go…

A love for seasons…

And so life goes on.  It has been just over a month in DC and the ways in which God has been working in my life have been challenging.  I mean that in a good way.  Aside of providing me with experiences and an internship that I could never have dreamed of having, I have…

And We’re Back

I often second guess my choices.  I wonder if they were mistakes or impulse decisions made on a whim.  However, I am then often reminded of the good that has come out of many of my life choices.  My decision to follow Christ, my decision to go to Africa, and my decision to go to…

Wrapping it Up

It isn’t often that we are able to just leave everything behind and go explore something new.  However, I sit here having finished up yet another semester abroad.  Last year it was Africa and this year, South America.  I look back to my high school years when everyone asked where I had planned on going…