Wandering New Waters

Wandering the Waters.  I started this blog as a means of documenting some of my adventures.  Not only for others, but for myself as well.  My blog title was chosen from one of my favorite songs, Oceans by Hillsong United.  “You called me out upon the waters, the great unknown, where feet may fail”  I…

Stepping Back to Move Forward

It has been a long weekend of mishaps, hurts, and tears – some things I don’t usually let other people see.  I like looking like I have it all together and being there for other people and their hurts, so I frequently find that there isn’t really room in there for my own problems.  Because…

Plans, Prosperity, and Peru

9 years, 8 schools, 3 states, 3 countries.  I look back on those nine years and the difficulty that came with them and I typically prefer not to remember a good chunk of it.  But I look back at it now as multiple people have recently asked me what I would change.  Would I go…

A love for seasons…

And so life goes on.  It has been just over a month in DC and the ways in which God has been working in my life have been challenging.  I mean that in a good way.  Aside of providing me with experiences and an internship that I could never have dreamed of having, I have…

And We’re Back

I often second guess my choices.  I wonder if they were mistakes or impulse decisions made on a whim.  However, I am then often reminded of the good that has come out of many of my life choices.  My decision to follow Christ, my decision to go to Africa, and my decision to go to…

Sitting. Waiting. Wishing.

A cycle of three things that I find myself going through more often than not.  As a college student, it is so hard not to focus on the future.  I am sitting through hour long classes to obtain a degree so that I may secure a successful occupation.  I hold jobs to make money so that I may pay…

Being the Introvert Abroad: The Power Behind Labels

Up until a few weeks ago, I had always identified as an extrovert.  Always.  I knew I liked being around people and so that was that.  That was until a newfound friend here announced to the class that he thought I was an introvert.  We had been paired up and had to introduce our partners…

The Beauty Behind the Mess

Life in Buenos Aires is crazy.  I’ve never lived in the city like this before, let alone lived in a country where English is not the predominant language.  Everything is so fast-paced and time to slow down can be hard to find.  I have finally finished my first full 2 weeks of school and am picking…

Fitting God into Time Abroad

Moving overseas has never been easy for me, even if it’s just for a few months.  It’s not easy and that’s okay.  Living abroad, especially in a third world country, is a growing experience.  I’ve spent time in the mountains of Peru, dust-bowl Ghana, and now Argentina.  Every time so far has proven itself to be the…

Vida Tu Me Das: Embracing the Life God Has Given Us

I currently live in a closet…  It is so easy to push away and ignore the many blessings that we are being given when struggling with what life is handing us.  But isn’t life itself a gift that we have been blessed with?  Jesus died so that we could have life and live it to the…